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    Outdoor Uses

    Having an awesome outdoor setup is key to enjoying nice weather. Imagine the warm flicker of gas lighting, your grill sizzling a perfect spread of mouth watering food, and patio heaters keeping the party going after the temperature dips.

    If you already have a propane tank we can direct pipe your grill and other outdoor features so all you have to do is turn them on. Never worry about running out. Relax and enjoy, knowing that ALL-GAS will keep you supplied with automatic deliveries.

    ALL-GAS stocks patio heaters and outdoor fireplaces, in a wide variety of styles to suit any lifestyle. We offer the complete service from purchase to installation and propane supply.

    If you don’t have a propane tank installed for your home and only need to supply your grill or patio features we can provide a discrete 60 gallon tank and refill it as needed. No more hauling multiple tanks in for a fill up. We will come to you.

    Just need a 20lb grill tank? Stop by our showroom for the best price around, and always a full 20lb fill.