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    Many of the most acclaimed restaurants in Connecticut, including all of the superb Billy Grant restaurants, rely on ALL-GAS for their propane needs, so can you.

    We’re a one stop source for your propane needs.

    Who doesn’t love dining al fresco. Make your customers comfortable and your patio enchanting with Napoleon torch heaters. We provide propane heaters so you can extend your patio season.

    Propane is ideal for cooking, heating and hot water in your business. Propane is more cost effective than electric and cleaner than oil. We always deliver on time so you do what you do best

    A propane backup generator is the most reliable solution for powering your business during blackouts. No matter the weather, your customers can enjoy their dining experience with minimal interruption. Propane does not go bad over time, so you only need to replace what you use. There are no concerns about moisture in the fuel or having to measure additives to minimize aging that reduces performance.

    Commercial kitchens have very specific needs. Our licensed technicians will survey your propane gas requirements and recommend an installation for your unique gas needs.