propane home heat


Propane Heating

It’s time you start owning winter, instead of winter owning you.

Propane is an ideal energy source for home heating, offering consistent warmth and energy efficiency even in the coldest weather. For example, heating with propane is more efficient than with electricity and cleaner than oil. Plus, it is the environmentally and wallet-friendly way to heat your home.

A home propane heating system is a nonpolluting heat source and very energy efficient. The cost per BTU is significantly lower than electricity, as much as 50% less expensive in most markets. Don’t be fooled by an electrical company’s quoted price per kwh, they’re not adding in all the other fees and taxes that roughly double the average consumer’s electrical bill in CT.

In a power outage, your home propane supply can even fuel a generator to provide electricity for the whole house along with the minimal electricity used in a propane fueled heating system for fans and control circuits.

Let ALL-GAS answer all your questions and help you enjoy New England winters in warmth. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced propane company near you, then contact ALL-GAS to learn more. From lp heating to propane delivery and tank installations, our residential propane services provide everything you need to own winter.


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3150 Main Street Hartford, CT 06120